Tuesday, December 4, 2007

An Attitude of Gratitude ~ #5,000

Piper of Bliss in Bloom recently posted this beautiful rose in a lovely gesture symbolizing the gratitude she feels for her blogging friends...

She says, "Deep pink roses say "Thank You"...please take this rose with you, and post it if you like. You can post it because you want to post some gratitude in December, with me. There are no rules. Or, you can post it as a token of my admiration, appreciation, and thanks for being such wonderful blogging friends.

Have you ever noticed how you can't really, really stay upset when you are being grateful for what you have, rather than thinking about what you don't have? Have you ever noticed how happy you feel, how complete and whole your spirit feels when you humble yourself, and accept everything in your life as a blessing. It all boils down to the attitude you choose. Let's see what happens when we fill our holiday hearts with honest thankfulness."

Well, dear friends, (bloggy or not) my blog just had it's 5,000th visitor!...and I am truly grateful for each and every one of YOU! Please accept this Rose as a symbol of MY gratitude for YOUR friendship and support...take it and post it and/or pass it on (with a link back to Piper's original post)...or just hold it close to your heart...and as Piper says, "Let's see what happens..."

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