Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I Gotz Mad Skillz!

Remember Ingrid, of Boricua in Texas?...that perky gal responsible for starting that whole "natural rock formation" thing here a couple of weeks ago? Well, now she's gone and given me this super-cool MAD SKILLZ Award in honor of my "globetrotting with humor skills!" How crazy-awesome is that?! Thank you Ingrid!

The originator of this
Mad Skillz Award is the very funny CamiKaos of Mommified Me...she designed this award to honor bloggers who are "really good at some crazy things!" You mean like balancing a can of beer on your head?! Yes...that is Cami in the picture! Which kinda reminds me of a certain someone I used to hang around with all the time who could chug pints of beer standing on her head! A-hem.

Certainly, ALL my bloggy friends are madly skilled in their own special way, so if you want this Mad Skillz Award, PLEASE take it...but also PUH-LEEEZ leave a comment telling me what your mad skill is! We wanna know! I'm officially passing this Award on to the maddest of the bunch;
Crusty - for your crazy Redneck truck-drivin' stories, poetry and culinary advice skillz, Drowsey for your strange-but-true (and hilarious) news reporting skillz and ability to stay up really late at night skillz, MedStudentWife - for your huntin', skinnin' and sewin' skillz, Speedy - for your "unique" PhotoShop skillz. And to Stealth - for your totally AWESOME blog-come-hell-or-high-water skillz...but mostly because this Award is just SO YOU!

1 big ol' bodacious comments (so far...):

Speedcat Hollydale said...

I have skilzzz I have skillz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!