The multi-talented Lynda of
Peripheral Vision-Inner Sights recently gave me this
You Cheer Me Up Award! Thank you Lynda! Be sure to check out Lynda's blog - her art and photographs will cheer anyone up! I love Lucy and I LOVE this award - so I'm passing it on to
Random Chick and Claire of
A Little Piece of Me 'cuz I love them too
(in a non-sexual-never-met-you kind of way.) (Yes, I stole that line from Claire!)
I also received this bee-yoo-tiful
Free To Fly "Living a Beautiful Life from the Inside Out"
Award from Iriegal of
Mental Stimulation ~ Thank you Iriegal! I am definitatley FREE TO FLY and I have certainly lived my life from the INSIDE OUT! (And I prefer OUT!) I'm passing this on to three beautiful women doing their darndest to live a beautiful life from the inside out; Drowsey of
DrowseyMonkey, Meleah of
Momma Mea Mia Culpa and Piper of
Bliss in Bloom!

And my pal
Drowsey just gave me this beautiful
Red Rose!...right before she hit me with a
meme (
arg!) and then posted
THIS humilating hysterical piece about my poor absent-minded
blog-mistress! I'm sure glad Drowsey's back in the blogosphere...even if she is 36% evil. I'm passing this
Red Rose along to
everyone on my blogroll as a way of saying
THANKS for your support!
10 big ol' bodacious comments (so far...):
Congrats on the awards!
And Aww....Thank you. xxoo xxoo
I needed that.
I love you too in a non sexual never met you kind of way too!
How dare you steal my short catchphrase!
Meleah - You're welcome! :)
Claire - B-b-b-but...can't friends who love each other in a non-sexual-never-met-you kind of way use each other's catchphrases?
From hence forth you can indeed! :)
YAY! Hence forth I shall! And YOU'VE got some dOOzies! :)
Ahhhhh thank you! I was afraid of what you were going to do given my last post about you! heehee.
Thank you thank you! I love it!
Hey, I love your rack room, I mean trophy room. And the slide show is cool.
You're welcome Drowsey! Never fear...I'm gonna blog about the conversation WE had last night! Flip-flop-flip-flop.....
Bra-ha-hahahahahaha! ;)
lmao - omg - I was affraid of that!
Olga! You rock my socks!!
You deserve every award you get, and all the ones that haven't been invented yet! Fab-o, that's you!
Thank you for the sweetness, I love this! ~xo
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